
When Zombies Attack!!…..except not really…

Would you look at that, we’ve made it to another month and haven’t disappeared on hiatus again(sorry about that). I will cut to the chase, there is no way for me to do daily blog entries given my schedule. It’s just not possible, so if I happen to disappear for a few days or weeks. It either means I’m too busy or nothing of particular interest has happened unless you want another “My boring life” entry again. Which, let’s be honest, nobody wants. I don’t want to write it and you don’t want to read it, fair enough? Since we are in agreement I will try to do monthly posts at the very least. Though if it takes awhile, remember that patience is a virtue people. It will come when it comes. Now enough of this twaddle; time to explain what happened in my this little misadventure. This was yet another request for my skills in detection. To be honest, I wasn’t really interested in the task, but it did prove to be mildly entertaining. So to the Ladies and Gentleman reading this, I hope this unconventional tale is enough to entertain you. Now, let the story begin. (more…)